We provide expertise in digital learning to empower staff to deliver innovative and complex programmes using a range of technologies. We help ensure students have the best learning experience, and equip them to be thriving, adaptable health science professionals in a rapidly changing world.

Dominic Alder (Nothing)

TEL Co-Director/Senior Digital Education Developer.

Chris Mills (Skills Paragraph)

TEL Co-Director/Senior Digital Education Developer.
I have expertise in: CAFS, Blackboard etc. Talk to me about anything Dentistry.

Nick Crabb (Skills List)

Senior Digital Education Developer.
• Blackboard
• MyProgress

James Lepoittevin (Personal Blurb)

Senior Digital Education Developer.
Outside of work, I like bustin’ sick moves on my skateboard (kickflip is my fave). Voted Mouse and Keyboard Magazine’s Man of the Year 1998 – 2012.

Nina Liao (Work Blurb)

Senior Digital Education Developer.
I joined the team in 2022, coming in from another role in xyz department. I have a background in xyz.


We are a team of highly knowledgeable staff with years of experience in all aspects of technology enhanced learning and digital education and like you, want to make sure our students have the best learning experience whilst at Bristol. Please get in touch to discuss how we can help you on fhs-tel@bristol.ac.uk.