2020 Aungshuk Ghosh e-Learning Prize

Picure of Hannah Punter, 2019 prize winnerThe Aungshuk Ghosh prize is open to all Bristol medical students that have developed innovative digital learning materials during their time as an undergraduate. The aim of the prize is to reward and recognise the innovative use of digital technologies or e-learning, which have made a valuable contribution to medical education. The £300 prize is awarded by the Faculty to a medical student on the Bristol MB ChB programme, and is generously funded by the Ghosh family in memory of their son, Aungshuk.

How to nominate

1. Completed nomination forms must be emailed to Dominic Alder, Health Sciences TEL (dominic.alder@bristol.ac.uk) by 12noon on Tuesday 11th February 2020. Staff/students are welcome to discuss their projects or nominations with Dominic before the deadline.
Students may nominate themselves, or staff and students can nominate a student. This is a confidential process; the names of nominees will be known to the panel only. Nominations must be accompanied by a demonstration of the work/innovation. Up to three nominations will be shortlisted to go through to the next stage.
DSCF4694-300-x-225-300x2252. The shortlisted nominees will be invited to produce a short video that demonstrates their project and its development. The format of the video is entirely open, and guidance will be provided to the shortlisted nominees. The video must be submitted by 12noon on Monday 24th February 2020. The shortlisted submissions will be judged by a selection panel which will be a mixture of MB ChB educators/teachers and TEL staff, and a winner will be chosen.
3. The winner will then be invited to present their project as part of the Student Excellence in Medicine event that will take place in the Great Hall on Friday 28th February 2020. The prize (£300 for the winner, £75 for the runners up) and runner up certificates will be presented at the end of the event.


Examples of using technology in innovative ways include:

  • Using short films, video, audio, images and animations in creative ways
  • Development of apps or other material for mobile learning
  • Manikins to test clinical skills
  • Innovative online learning packages, such as tutorials, video, audio and animations
  • Developing case studies to work with human patient simulators
  • Innovative use of social media of medical education
  • Evaluating the role of a particular technology that leads to changes within the curriculum
  • Innovations that support peer-to-peer working

catling_picSubmissions must demonstrate an element of innovation and/or impact on medical education – this is just as important as the quality of the product. The material does not have to be an assessed piece of work – some of our applications come from students working on activities in their own time. Students may submit work based on Student Selected Component (SSC) work – however, prize-winning entries will be of a level well above that of a standard pass. Submitted work should be innovative – for instance, typical online tutorial submissions are unlikely to be shortlisted.

Please contact Dominic Alder with any queries.

Past winners

2019 – Hannah Punter
2018 – Lauren Jackson
2017 – Jessie Heath
2016 – Claire Scrivener
2015 – Simi Ninan
2014 – Chad Pardoe / Niels Leadholm and Richard Purcell
2013 – Finn Catling
2012 – Alona Courtney / Tim Stubbs
2011 – Christopher Smith / Olivia Jagger and Camilla Milner-Smith
2010 – Francesco Egro
2009 – Alastair Buick / Owen Lewis and Haj Kamali
2008 – Helen Taylor
2007 – Will Duffin
2006 – Jocelyn Cherry