
Setting up a unit Teams space to work alongside Blackboard – video walkthrough

Jane Williams and Mike Cameron deliver a unit on the Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals programme (see separate story). In 2021 the course will use a unit Teams space alongside a Blackboard course for the first time. Blackboard delivers course materials, reading lists and the assessment. Teams offer live teaching and ongoing discussion and

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Evaluating TEL

There are a number of resources and toolkits that can help you evaluate TEL interventions. A few of these are linked below. Imperial College Centre for Higher Education Research and Scholarship – Education Evaluation toolkit. The pages cover tools and resources that you can use for evaluating education in general, but that can be applied

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Ideas for interactive learning in synchronous teaching

Some possible recipes for dialogue and feedback as part of an online webinar These ideas use simple tools like the built-in voting, breakout groups and discussion boards. You can do much more with additional tools like Mentimeter and Padlet (see the separate materials on tools and designing learning sequences). These are just suggestions, and you

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12 principles of multimedia learning

Meyer’s Multimedia Learning theory suggests we can design multimedia materials to best effect by adhering to 12 principles: Coherence Principle – exclude extraneous words, pictures and sounds. Signalling Principle – include cues that highlight the organisation of the essential material Redundancy Principle – exclude redundant material which interferes with rather than facilitates learning.  Spatial Contiguity

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9 events of instruction (Gagné)

Robert Gagné outlines 9 events of instruction which can be used to design learning materials and activities or as a checklist. According to Gagné, when these steps are present and completed, learning is more likely to occur. Gaining Attention Informing Learners of the Objective Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning Presenting the Stimulus (Selective Perception) Providing

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5 stage model (Gilly Salmon) for designing e-tivities

Gilly Salmon’s simple model can be applied to the development of online activities and courses. It provides a framework or scaffold for a structured and paced programme of e-tivities. The model entails essential support and development to participants at each stage as they build up expertise in learning online. The stages are: Access and motivation

5 stage model (Gilly Salmon) for designing e-tivities Read More »