University of Bristol Resources
e-Learning Tools & Software
We able to support a range of tools in the faculty to help staff and students develop TEL material. We have created a recommended software guide that illustrates which software best fits your requirements. While most of these tools are not centrally supported we may be able to offer guidance on how to use them.
University of Bristol: Education Support Unit – TEL Team
We work with people across the University using technology to enhance learning, teaching, and assessment. We provide support and training for a range of tools and practices, work on projects to develop the University’s TEL provision, and help people to share and learn about new ideas and good practice. You can find out more on our support and training, projects, and ideas for practice pages.
External Organisations
Higher Education Academy: Medicine and Dentistry
“The HEA supports a large network of learning and teaching practitioners involved in medicine and dentistry throughout the UK. We provide funding, events, resources and a large number of opportunities to network with learning and teaching practitioners from a variety of institutions and roles.”
Association for the Study of Medical Education: TEL Special Interest Group
“ASME is a UK based, internationally aware, membership organisation. Doctors, healthcare workers and medical educators from any specialty and level are invited to join. ASME is unique in that it draws its members from all areas of medical education – undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing – and from all specialties. It has a function as a forum for debate and exchange of information, and is building on its contacts in medicine and teaching in the UK and among other networks, to promote knowledge and expertise in medical education.”
Janet: NHS Higher Education Forum & Connectivity Project
“The NHS-HE Forum was set up in 2001 for IT and networking managers from both the NHS and Higher Education, with an interest in achieving two-way communication between NHSNet (now replaced by N3) and Janet. It is an informal group that relies on the influence, ideas and action of its individual members to make a difference.”