
The Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching (BILT) have a self-study version of their Digital Design course they ran summer 2020. You can Enrol in the self-study version of the course:

The Health Sciences TEL team ran a couple of courses throughout summer and early autumn 2020 on:

Building community

You can view the recording of this session by joining our Blackboard course and/or work through the following standalone materials developed from this course. These are presented in 3 parts using MS Sway. Each Sway has a different format so you can experience each one and decide what might work best for you and your learners.

Tools and design

This session focuses on 3 digital tools: Padlet, Mentimeter and MS Sway with presentations from teachers who have used these in their teaching. We also explore how to design learning sequences using digital tools and there are opportunities for you to have a go. This session is available via Blackboard.

You can self enrol on our Blackboard course: Flipping, pivoting and Zooming. You will find recordings of sessions and a self-study version of the Tools and Design course.

Please let us know what other materials or courses you would like to access using email or post suggestions to our padlet board.