Setting up a unit Teams space to work alongside Blackboard – video walkthrough

Jane Williams and Mike Cameron deliver a unit on the Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals programme (see separate story). In 2021 the course will use a unit Teams space alongside a Blackboard course for the first time. Blackboard delivers course materials, reading lists and the assessment. Teams offer live teaching and ongoing discussion and chat. The OneNote class notebook will replace the Blackboard journal for student reflection and to evidence and get feedback on their assignment.

At the time of writing (14 September 2021) we have set up the Teams space to work alongside our Blackboard page. We developed Blackboard from a template that will be used across the programme to provide some consistency for students.

Screenshot of the welcome screen of the Blackboard course.
Blackboard welcome page – based on a template

We have also set up the Teams space for the unit. As of September 2021, Unit Teams are automatically created for all teaching units in the student record system at Bristol (SITS). Student membership is synchronised.

The videos below walk through setting up the unit space for the TEL unit of the TLHP course and linking to and from Blackboard.

Video walkthroughs of setting up the unit Team

The walkthrough below is in the App version of Teams in ‘Dark mode’ and ‘Grid view’. Your settings may differ.

Getting started

Users and channels

Adding tabs to channels – linking Teams and Blackboard

Adding announcements and setting up the OneNote class notebook

Note: In list view, the link to the class notebook will appear as a tab in the general channel, rather than at the left of the screen.