CTF TEL day 2018 – Learning Materials Showcase and Blended Learning Activities (Dominic Alder)
University Systems
Logging in:
Wherever you see a “Single Sign on” screen you should log in with your University user name and password.
When logging into any Microsoft services you need to log in with your username with the @bristol.ac.uk suffix e.g. ab12345@bristol.ac.uk.
You can set your first password, and subsequently reset passwords later here:
Microsoft Office Portal
Email, calendar and productivity tools
The University is in the process of phasing in Office365 to provide email, calendar and other productivity tools to all staff and students. One of these tools, OneNote, is being widely used across the new curriculum and will be further developed for use in the MBChB programme. Please view our OneNote information page and contact us for more information and training opportunities to get started with OneNote.
Bookmark this: https://portal.office.com
Microsoft Teams
Before students return to study in September, we will add you all to a MBChB Clinical Fellows Microsoft Team. If you want to join as soon as you receive your University login, use this link to join in advance.
Outlook Calendar
Timetabling for students on clinical placement
While on placement at Academies, students will access their timetable via Outlook Calendar. Academy teams edit students’ calendars using the University Outlook Calendar service, and students are able to easily add these calendars to their own accounts from the University directory.
You can add your Academy’s Outlook calendars to your own University Outlook account. Simply add them from the directory by clicking ‘Add Calendar’ –> from Directory and type in the calendar name to search for it. You may have to set up multiple calendars, but you will only need to do this once. If you need editor access to a calendar.
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Blackboard Online Learning Environment

While Office365 provides the productivity tools to help staff and students work effectively, Blackboard is used to house course and curriculum information. The MBChB tab, which is displayed in the top right of the screen after logging in, will display important information about the MBChB programme. More specific information regarding each year of study will be available in the individual Blackboard ‘courses’ for that year. If you cannot see the MBChB tab or need access to a particular ‘course’ for a year of study, please contact us.
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Forwarding University emails to your NHS account
To make it easier to keep track of your emails from the University you can forward your emails from your University account to your NHS.uk/.net account. You will need to log into the Office portal and go into Outlook to get started.
Wifi access across NHS Trusts and the University
eduroam (education roaming) is a secured WiFi network service that allows students and staff to use the credentials from their own institution in order to access network services at other eduroam participating institutions—without having to set up a guest account.
To set up your mobile device or laptop to use eduroam, follow the instructions on the IT Services Wireless site. As well as throughout the University of Bristol campus, eduroam is available at all of the Clinical Academies.
OneNote is used extensively across MBChB Years 1-5 to provide curriculum content and a collaborative workspace to students. Your access to students’ OneNote notebooks will depend on your involvement with their years of study. If you require access to particular notebooks, please contact the Year Admin Lead (see contacts page) for the relevant notebooks you require, providing your University username. When access has been provided you will get an email to your University email account with a link pointing you directly to the notebook.
Student and Staff Remote Desktop
Across all of the Clinical Academies there are study areas, usually in the Academy Library or common rooms, which are set up with PCs that are designated for student use, and can connect back to the University via a shortcut to the University’s virtual desktop service.
The University virtual remote desktop provides a web browser-based full desktop experience in exactly the same way as if you were sat at a PC on campus. This means you will have access to the University of Bristol network, and all of the benefits that brings such as:
- Unfiltered web access, which will allow you access to Microsoft Office 365, social media etc. from the NHS Trusts
- Access to subscribed journal services
- Free to use software installed on the Remote Desktop servers
Hippocrates was set up to help medical students get a handle on clinical topics and to work towards creating equal access to teaching material and resources throughout the Academies. It is populated with a variety of learning materials (from tutorials to case studies to useful video footage and links to external resources). Several of the e-tutorials were written by students under supervision of consultants to ensure you are getting material relevant to clinical medicine in an exciting and interactive format. Access is via a Blackboard Organisation – if you require access please contact us at fhs-tel@bristol.ac.uk and let us know your name/role/location.
Microsoft Surface Hub Development
The Clinical Academies have all purchased two or more Microsoft Surface Hubs which are being used for teaching and inter-Academy collaboration. Alongside this, the University has begun to roll out a number of Surface Hubs in meeting rooms around the Bristol campus.

More information on how to use the Surface Hubs and Microsoft Teams is available here:
Contact us at cfme-elearning@bristol.ac.uk
Video presentations (2017)
Using the Surface Hub for remote teaching – Julian Cook
CTF collaborative space – Junaid Fukuta