Find quick tips on using TEL tools.
Low bandwidth teaching
When students are at a distance, there are things we can do to help address students’ technological limitations .There can be tensions between the need for immediacy of interaction and use of high bandwidth video and the technology and the broadband available to them. By using a range of approaches,…
9 events of instruction (Gagné)
Robert Gagné outlines 9 events of instruction which can be used to design learning materials and activities or as a checklist. According to Gagné, when these steps are present and completed, learning is more likely to occur. Gaining AttentionInforming Learners of the Objective Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning Presenting the…
5 stage model (Gilly Salmon) for designing e-tivities
Gilly Salmon’s simple model can be applied to the development of online activities and courses. It provides a framework or scaffold for a structured and paced programme of e-tivities. The model entails essential support and development to participants at each stage as they build up expertise in learning online. The…
Add audio to your PowerPoint slides
Add audio to your slides: Narration can be recorded easily within Microsoft PowerPoint. You will need access to the full software version to do this, which you can download from the University’s Office Portal if you do not yet have it installed.Read our brief guide to narrating PowerPointor watch our more detailed videoYou can also record a narrated slideshow presentation or…
Using media for activities and courses
There is a wealth of online media that you can use in courses and materials, or as the focus for learning activities. Suggestion: Set students an activity whilst they are listening/watching that you can use as a discussion point.YouTube and Vimeo are the obvious sources of materialYou many have recordings…
12 Tips for engaging learners in online discussions
The 12 tips in the article available below aim to provide medical educators with guidelines for creating engaging online discussions that both support and challenge learners’ understanding. The advice draws on a recent study examining the experiences and activities of 24 educators in MOOC discussion areas, and how their learners…