Top Tips

Add audio to your PowerPoint slides

Add audio to your slides: Narration can be recorded easily within Microsoft PowerPoint. You will need access to the full software version to do this, which you can download from the University’s Office Portal if you do not yet have it installed. Read our brief guide to narrating PowerPoint or watch our more detailed video You can also record a narrated slideshow presentation or any on- […]

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12 Tips for engaging learners in online discussions

The 12 tips in the article available below aim to provide medical educators with guidelines for creating engaging online discussions that both support and challenge learners’ understanding. The advice draws on a recent study examining the experiences and activities of 24 educators in MOOC discussion areas, and how their learners engaged with them. It provides

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Voting software (TurningPoint and Mentimeter)

TurningPoint Students are able to use their mobile device and/or laptop to vote on questions posed live in a PowerPoint presentation. Please get in touch with us at fhs-te, if you would like help getting started, as you will need to install TurningPoint software on your laptop to create these voting slides. Further information and guidance

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Xerte: creating engaging and interactive self-directed resources

Xerte is a simple, easy-to-use authoring tool for creating effective and engaging digital learning materials. It’s designed for educators to create interactive learning activities, including self-test quizzes, without the need for any coding or programming knowledge. Xerte is available to UoB and honorary/associate staff at, and can be accessed from most web browsers. Projects can

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Live webinars tips

Live webinars provide teacher presence and an opportunity for you to interact with learners. You can run webinars using Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams or Zoom Webinars can combine input, activity and feedback. Collaborate has a whiteboard and discussion space. This is harder for large groups for activity and feedback and more useful for small group

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Collate resources and weave a narrative

Collate resources and weave a narrative using Sway, part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite of tools. Sway can be likened to an interactive workbook/interactive pre-reading. Interactivity can be built in using embeddable resources such as Padlet, or Microsoft Forms, another Office 365 tool. Responses from Microsoft Forms are collated in a spreadsheet which you can then

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Invite student feedback, thoughts and opinions

Invite students to input their thoughts/opinions/feedback onto a shared space.  Padlet is a web-based, collaborative tool that allows your students to share a wide range of content that all other students can view. This can be done live during an online session or asynchronously. (Asynchronous activity is especially useful if students are in different time zones or

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Tips for simple asynchronous activities

Online activities need not involve cutting edge technology. Most online and distance courses include activities in which students read through materials or consider key resources. You can give some information about what you want students to do with the reading and/or follow up with discussion of an associated activity. Adding low bandwidth activities as part

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